Zuma has the last laugh

The big news of the weekend is the resignation of Thabo Mbeki and I can’t help but feel that Zuma is sitting with a God-forsaken smile on his face right now at the irony of how he’s finally got his revenge.

I don’t think even Zapiro realised just how pertinent his cartoon of Zuma raping the justice system (below) would be in the days leading after its publication in the Sunday Times.

Jacob Zuma Raping the Justice System

Our acquitted rapist, fraudster and down right dimwit has successfully managed to escape any prosecution and in turn flip the whole political situation on its head by having the ANC recall Mbeki. I guess it’s a case of he who laughs last?

I’ll state this outright – I hate Zuma and I despise anyone who supports him however, I do think this new political turmoil is very much needed in a country that has lived far too long under Mbeki’s denialist regime.

Mbeki is a clown. HIV/Aids never existed, Mugabe was never the problem in Zimbabwe and crime in our country was never an issue. These are just some of his insane beliefs we’ve been subjected to over the last few years and I’m happy we’ve seen the end of it.

While I really think Mbeki being ousted is a positive thing I’m deeply concerned about where we go to from here. I have no faith in Zuma or his political allies and I can’t see how the new regime is going to be any better – in fact, I think it’s going to get worse.

Overall I have to say these are troubled and uncertain times and I’m watching the political space in trepidation of what will happen next.